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Have a rental, sublease
or a homestay?
We've got you covered!

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Just fill in the details about your place, and we'll help you find a tenant.
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Standard Lease
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Property Details
Tell potential tenants about this property. Describing the property first, and then the rental details makes adding additional listings at the same location a breeze! And if you have just one rental, don't worry, it's easy too!
Country / Region:
Street Address:

(please do not type a unit/apt/suite number in the address)
Zip Code:
Property Name:
Property Name (optional)
Does this property have a name (e.g. "The Meridian")? If so, enter it here. Otherwise, you can just leave it blank and we'll use the street address.
Property Type:
Property Description:
Features / Amenities:
What are the typical tentants at this property?
Undergrad: %
Grad / Postdoc: %
Faculty / Staff: %
Professional: %
Military: %
Retired: %
Other / Unknown: %
Property Links (optional)
Do you have web links SPECIFIC to this property? If so, you can add them. Otherwise, just leave this blank. Please do not use link shorteners that hide the destination site. Links not meeting these criteria, or pointing to other rental search sites will be removed.
Details About this Rental
Floor Plan Name (optional)
  • This is the name you use to identify all of your rental units with these options and price.
  • Check the "internal use only" box if you don't want the name displayed on your listings.
  • This name can be useful for you to later choose this listing for making updates or adding photos.
Total Bedrooms:
Total Bedrooms
  • This is the total number of bedrooms in the unit.
  • For a sublease, this is still the total number of bedrooms in the unit.
  • For a homestay, this is the toal number of bedrooms in your home.
Bedrooms Available for Rent

This is the number of bedrooms you are renting for this unit. For example, if you are renting out 1 room in a 3 bedroom house, select "1". Or if you're renting out an entire 2 bedroom apartments, select "2".
  • This is the total number of bathrooms in the unit.
  • For a sublease, this is still the total number of bathrooms in the unit.
  • For a homestay, this is the toal number of bathrooms in your home.
  • Mark a bathroom as "shared" if it is shared with other units (e.g. a "suite" rental with multiple individual rentals sharing a common area).
Square Feet:
Unit Size
  • This is the size of the rental in square feet or meters.
  • You can select the unit of measurement that you pefer, and potential tenants can select to have the size automatically converted to the unit of measurement that they prefer.
Potential tenants may be coming from other countries, selecting the currency you use allows renters to view the current rates in their home currency.
Rent Type:
Rent Per Month:
Rent Per Month
For best results, enter the rent amount with just the number and without a current symbol (e.g. $, €, ¥).
Lease Terms:
Lease Length:
Individual Leases:
Individual Leases
Select "available", if you offer the ability for each roommate to sign their own lease. If your tenants must all sign the same lease, select "not available".
Roommate Matching:
Roommate Matching
If you assist your tenants with matching or pairing them with roommates, select "available".
Unit Description:
Features / Amenities:
Pet Policy:
Dogs - Restricted Breeds
Dogs - Any Breed
Caged Animals
additional terms:
Typical Monthly Utilities:
Typical Monthly Utilities (optional)
  • If you know what the typical monthly utilities for this unit are, please enter them here.
  • If you pay for some of the utilities, please click the "included" check box.
  • You don't need to enter the amount if you click the "included" check box.
  • For best results, enter the rent amount with just the number and without a current symbol (e.g. $, €, ¥).
Floor Plan Website (optional)
Is there a website SPECIFIC to this floor plan? If so, you can add it. Otherwise, just leave this blank. Please do not use link shorteners that hide the destination site. Links not meeting this criteria, or pointing to other rental search sites will be removed.
If you see this, please leave this form field blank.
Your listing will be activated once you create a login with your email address and a password on the next page.
Sublease Information
Dates Available:
Dates Available
These are the start and end dates that this listing is available. It's a good idea to keep the range as wide as possible to increase the number of potential tenants who will find you listing. Keeping your place for an extra week after the end of the school year might keep people from finding your listing if they need to move in as school as the summer starts.
Anyone else living here?
Acceptable sex of tenant:
Acceptable Sex of Tenant
IMPORTANT! Do not select this preference if this rental is not shared with other tenants.

It is important to note that under Fair Housing laws, you cannot discriminate based on age, sex, religion, national origin, handicap / disability or family staus. However there are a few exceptions including shared housing where tenants share a bathroom, kitchen or other common area. These exceptions permit you to specify the specific sex of other tenants in your rental.
Study habits:
Your listing will be activated once you create a login with your email address and a password on the next page.

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